
2023-07-31 09:39:06 婚恋情感 茜茜

What does 1222 mean according to girls?

When girls say 1222, it means they want to make love.

Other common meanings of numbers include:

0 represents perfection and completeness.

1 represents uniqueness, you, and the beginning.

2 represents love and a world for two.

3 represents longing, life, and a lifetime.

4 represents yes, always, and eternity.

5 represents me, and can also be understood as not distinguishing between you and me.

What do two people together say about 122?

When two people are together, how do they express 122? They can simply say it at the same time. The main point is that they both like and appreciate each other, and decide to be together.

What is the meaning of 12231 in love?

The Chinese pinyin homonym of the number 122 is obviously "to make love". It expresses the desire to live a loving life with one's favorite partner. Two people need to hold hands and grow old together, experiencing the sweetest, most romantic, warm, and passionate journey of love.

The number 31 is an auspicious number, and in the context of love, it means "miss you". In the field of numerology in the Book of Changes, the number 31 implies "flowers blooming in spring". In addition, according to the analysis of lucky or unlucky strokes in names, the number 31 is considered lucky. It signifies possessing wisdom, benevolence, courage, strong willpower, steadfastness, and the ability to accomplish great things. It is a powerful leader who can lead others, gain reputation, and achieve prosperity and wealth. It represents a gentle, calm, and strong fortune.

Therefore, 12231 means to make love and miss you.

What does the number 122 represent in love?

The homophone of the number 122 sounds like "to make love" or "to have sex". I can't be certain. I'm just confused why they use numbers to express love when the meanings of Chinese characters are obvious and easily understood. If they are not understood or misunderstood, it's a missed opportunity. Not regretting it for a lifetime would be strange!

